Index of allegations of plagiarized works in Romania

Made in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Owner: GRAUR - Group for Reform and University Alternative. Launched at 6th February 2012
Politics Projects, actions
Thematic information
Plagiarism in media
Warning rules
Plagiarism avoiding rules
Plagiarism produces scrap paper, plagiarism does not produce opera. Avoid the scrap paper, read and quote the opera !

The aim of the Index:

Last news:

Accessing the Plagiarized Works Index in Romania:

This electronic index is prepared, developed and controlled by civil society for the benefit of the whole society. It includes information on the works of intellectual creation (especially books, articles, theses) on which there are reasonable (evidence) of plagiarism.
Those interested are so handy means of preventing the propagation effects plagiarisms and insurance conditions as authentic works to enjoy the unfettered deserved recognition and merit.

Some premises

"...Plagiarized opera is written work, prepared and published by a person or group of persons who declare themselves in this way as authors, work which includes the whole or only partially written a work of intellectual creation, made and published previously by another person.  
... Plagiarized work is done by copying, download, translation and / or modifications, in whole or in part and by omitting to indicate the source of origin of the name of its author appears explicitly.
... Plagiarism as activity to achieve plagiarized works is an antisocial and immoral act. Plagiarism can not prescribe, do not expire and disappear. The act does not depend on the length of intellectual creative piece taken without mention of genuine author name.
...  Once there, plagiarism is incompatible with any conciliation or return later the disclosure to the public.
 ...The role of the judge breaking the law and establish responsibilities lies exclusively to authorized bodies ..."
(D.Isoc, Guide of action against the plagiarism (In Romanian - Ghid de actiune contra plagiatului), Ecou Transilvan, Cluj-Napoca, 2012 ).

General note

The team of the Index of Plagiarized Works in Romania is not concerned in any professional situation, social status, political or any other kind of real identity of plagiarist. Our only goal is plagiarism and the right of every member of society to be informed and to know plagiarized works to defend the adverse effects of non-value propagated imposture and plagiarism.

Notes for contributors

Plagiarized works or suspicions of plagiarized works can be reported by any person in good faith who knows . For alerting the Rules of alerting will be followed.

Visi here the Index of Plagiarized Works in Romania: accesed by chronological order of identification

The update-to-day state of PLAGIARISM EFFECTS in Romania

- Ranking of Romanian academies affected by tolerated indexed plagiarism facts
- Ranking of Romanian universities affected by tolerated indexed plagiarism facts
- Ranking of Romanian research institutions affected by tolerated indexed plagiarism facts
- Ranking of Romanian universities affected by tolerated indexed plagiarism facts
- Ranking of publications' contribution to promoting of indexed plagiarism facts .

(The state of plagiarism is built as an ordering of plagiarized wors already identified on universities, publications and publishing houses. Any organization is powerful and honest when it is able to identify its plagiarized works, to publish and declare them, and finishes by retracting using an appropriate procedure).

Works dedicated to plagiarism phenomenum published under the aegis of GRAUR Association(Group for University Reform and Alternative )

1. ISOC, D. Plagiarism preventer. (In Romanian Prevenitor de plagiat). Cluj-Napoca: Ecou Transilvan. 2014.
2. ISOC, D. şi ISOC, T. Indexul Operelor Plagiate în România. vol.1. Cluj-Napoca: Ecou Transilvan. 2014.
3. ISOC, D. Action guide against the plagiarism. (In Romanian - Ghid de acţiune contra plagiatului). Cluj-Napoca: Ecou Transilvan. 2012.
© 2016 GRAUR - Grupul pentru Reformă şi Alternativă Universitară, Cluj-Napoca, România