Teze de doctorat şi lucrări ale profesorilor autori de plagiate/ Doctoral thesis and plariarized works having as authors professors of University
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Opera neautentică / NON-authentic work
Opera autentică /Authentic work
1. |
00346/05. |
The cordocyte. Proc.Rom.Acad. Series B. 16(2). 2014. p.83-102.
Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. |
DĂNĂILĂ Leon şi PĂIŞ Viorel.
The cordocytes of the human brain. An atlas of light and electron microscopy. Bucureşti: Ars Academica. 2014.
07.11.2016 |
00345/05. |
The cordocyte. Proc.Rom.Acad. Series B. 16(2). 2014. p.83-102.
Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. |
PĂIŞ Viorel, DĂNĂILĂ, Leon and PĂIŞ Emil.
Ultrastructural characterization of a developing pericytic microtumor in the white matter post laceration.
International Journal of Stem Cell Research and Transplantation (IJST). 01(01). 2013. p.1-7.
07.11.2016 |
00344/05. |
The cordocyte. Proc.Rom.Acad. Series B. 16(2). 2014. p.83-102.
Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. |
PĂIŞ Viorel, DĂNĂILĂ, Leon and PĂIŞ Emil.
From pluripotent stem cells to multifunctional cordocytic phenotypes in the human brain:an ultrastructural study.
Ultrastructural Pathology. 36(4). 2012. p.252-259
07.11.2016 |
00341/05. |
The cordocyte. Proc.Rom.Acad. Series B. 16(2). 2014. p.83-102.
Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. NOT-RETRACTED work. |
PĂIŞ Viorel, DĂNĂILĂ, Leon and PĂIŞ Emil.
Cordocytes-stem cells cooperation in the human brain with emphasis on pivotal role of cordocytes in perivascular areas of broken and thrombosed vessels.Ultrastructural Pathology. 37(6). 2013. p.425-432
07.11.2016 |
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