Teze de doctorat şi lucrări ale profesorilor autori de plagiate/ Doctoral thesis and plariarized works having as authors professors of University
Nr/No |
Opera neautentică / NON-authentic work
Opera autentică /Authentic work
2. |
00400/03. |
FREY, Carola.
Towards the Asian Century (I). Monitor Strategic. 2017, 52(4). pp.132 - 147. ISSN ISSN 1582-3156 .
Sursa suspiciunii / Source of suspicion: 13 decembrie 2017 / www.nu-plagiatului.org. Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. |
China Market Intelligence. China’s Growing Investments in Africa. The US-Chins Business Council (online). 2012.
Available at: www.uschina.org/cmi/chinas-growing-investment-africa-june-27-2012. Last visit: 15 December 2017.
30.12.2017 |
00399/03. |
FREY, Carola.
Towards the Asian Century (I). Monitor Strategic. 2017, 52(4). pp.132 - 147. ISSN ISSN 1582-3156 .
Sursa suspiciunii / Source of suspicion: 13 decembrie 2017 / www.nu-plagiatului.org. Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. |
WEITZ, Richard.
China and African Pacekeeping. SLDInfo (Second line of defense)(online). 7 March 2013. Available at: www.sldinfo.com/china-and-african-peacekeeping/.
Last visit: 15 December 2017.
30.12.2017 |
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00398/03. |
FREY, Carola.
The parallelism between the theory of war and the theory of painting based on Clausewitz assumptions.
Proceedings the 10th International Scientific Conference “Strategies XXI”.
Strategic changes in security and international relations. Unfolded under the aegis of 125 years from NDU “Carol I” foundation and 10 years from Romania’s accession to NATO.
Vol.2. April 10 - 11, 2014. Bucharest: National Defense University „Carol I”. pp.44-47. ISSN 2285-8415; ISSN-L 2285-8318.
Sursa suspiciunii / Source of suspicion: 13 decembrie 2017 / www.nu-plagiatului.org. Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. |
SENG, Goh Teck.
Clausewitz and His Impact on Strategy. Journal of the Singapore Armed Forces, Vol.25 No.1 (Jan - Mar 1999).
Original URL: www.mindef.gov.sg/safti/pointer/back/journals/1999/Vol25_1/6.htm.
30.12.2017 |
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