Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor (INCDFM) Măgurele

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Instituţia este prejudiciată de acţiunile de plagiat care dovedesc încălcări grave ale integrităţii academice din partea unor angajaţi sau colaboratori accidentali. Acţiunea firească a instituţiei este să se dezică de aceste fapte şi de persoanele care le-au făptuit prin intermediul unor documente instituţionale simetrice publicate inclusiv în pagina electronică a instituţiei. Indexul Operelor Plagiate va primi în orice moment aceste documente de dezicere şi le va publica alături de documentele incriminante ale plagiatelor. Poziţiile asociate autorilor se referă la cea mai înaltă distincţie la care autorii plagiatelor dovedite au ajuns în relaţie cu instituţia prejudiciată.
Teze de doctorat şi lucrări ale profesorilor autori de plagiate/ Doctoral thesis and plariarized works having as authors professors of University
Opera neautentică / NON-authentic work
Opera autentică /Authentic work
Ioachim Andrei, Toacşăn Mariana Irina, Banciu Marin Gabriel, Nedelcu Liviu, Dutu Constantin Augustin, Alexandru V. Horia, Antohe Stefan, Andronescu E, Jinga Sorin, Niţă Petru. Synthesis and properties of Ba (Zn 1/3 Ta 2/3) O3 for microwave and millimeter wave applications. Thin Solid Films. 2008 Feb 15;516(7):1558-1562.

Notes: a) the source of suspicion: b) This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Research under contract CEEX No. 4 / 2005. c) The papers was RETRACTED by the editor.

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare RETRACTATĂ/ RETRACTED work.
Ioachim A, Toacşăn M.I, Banciu M.G, Nedelcu L, Duţu C.A, Feder M, Plăpcianu C, Lifei F, and Niţă P. Effect of the sintering temperature on the Ba (Zn 1/3 Ta 2/3) O3 dielectric properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2007 Dec 31;27(2):1117-1122. (Available on-line in 12 June 2006).

Notes: This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Research under contract nr: 09N/505.2003.
Ioachim Andrei, Toacşăn Mariana Irina, Nedelcu Liviu, Banciu Marin Gabriel, Duţu Constantin Augustin, Andronescu Ecaterina, Jinga Sorin. Thermal Treatments Effects on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba (Zn1/3Ta2/3) O3 Ceramics. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology. 2007 Jan 1;10:261-268.

Notes: a) the source of suspicion: b) This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Research under contract CEEX No. 4 / 2005..

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work.
Ioachim A, Toacşăn MI, Banciu MG, Nedelcu L, Duţu CA, Feder M, Plăpcianu C, Lifei F, and Niţă P. Effect of the sintering temperature on the Ba (Zn 1/3 Ta 2/3) O 3 dielectric properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2007 Dec 31;27(2):1117-1122. (Available on-line in 12 June 2006).

Notes: This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Research under contract nr: 09N/505.2003.
Ioachim Andrei, Toacşăn Mariana Irina, Banciu Marin Gabriel, Nedelcu Liviu, Duţu Constantin Augustin, Andronescu Ecaterina, and Jinga Sorin. Annealing effects on properties of Ba (Zn1/3Ta2/3) O3 dielectric materials. In: International Semiconductor Conference, 2006 Sep 27 (Vol. 2, pp. 253-256). IEEE.

Notes: a) the source of suspicion: b) This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Research under contract CEEX No. 4 / 2005..

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work.
Ioachim A, Toacşăn MI, Banciu MG, Nedelcu L, Duţu CA, Feder M, Plăpcianu C, Lifei F, and Niţă P. Effect of the sintering temperature on the Ba (Zn 1/3 Ta 2/3) O 3 dielectric properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2007 Dec 31;27(2):1117-1122. (Available on-line in 12 June 2006).

Notes: This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Research under contract nr: 09N/505.2003.
IOACHIM, Andrei, TOACSĂN, Mariana Irina, BANCIU, Marin Gabriel, NEDELCU, Liviu, DUŢU, Constantin Augustin, ALEXANDRU, Horia V., ANTOHE, Stefan, ANDRONESCU, Ecaterina, JINGA, Sorin Ion, NIŢĂ, Petru. Synthesis and properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. Thin Solid Films. 2007. 1558–1562.

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors
Stare/State: Lucrare RETRACTATĂ / RETRACTED work.
IOACHIM, A., TOACSĂN, M.I., NEDELCU, L., BANCIU, M.G., DUŢU, C.A., ANDRONESCU, E., JINGA, S. Thermal Treatments Effects on Microwave Dielec¬tric Properties of Ba(Zn1=3Ta2=3)O3 Ceramics Romanian. Journal of Information Science and Technology. 10(3). 2007. 261-268.
IOACHIM, Andrei, TOACSĂN, Mariana Irina, BANCIU, Marin Gabriel, NEDELCU, Liviu, DUŢU, Constantin Augustin, ALEXANDRU, Horia V., ANTOHE, Stefan, ANDRONESCU, Ecaterina, JINGA, Sorin Ion, NIŢĂ, Petru. Synthesis and properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. Thin Solid Films. 2007. 1558–1562.

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors
Stare/State: Lucrare RETRACTATĂ / RETRACTED work.
IOACHIM, A., TOACSĂN, M.I. BANCIU, M.G., NEDELCU, L., DUŢU, C.A. ANDRONESCU, E., JINGA, S. Annealing Effects on Properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 Dielectric Materials. Proceedings of 2006 International Semiconductor Conference. Sinaia, Romānia, vol.1. 2007. p.253-256. (
IOACHIM, Andrei, TOACSĂN, Mariana Irina, BANCIU, Marin Gabriel, NEDELCU, Liviu, DUŢU, Constantin Augustin, ALEXANDRU, Horia V., ANTOHE, Stefan, ANDRONESCU, Ecaterina, JINGA, Sorin Ion, NIŢĂ, Petru. Synthesis and properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 for microwave and millimeter-wave applications. Thin Solid Films. 2007. 1558–1562.

Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors
Stare/State: Lucrare RETRACTATĂ / RETRACTED work.
IOACHIM, A., RAMER, R., TOACSAN, M.I., BANCIU, M.G., NEDELCU, L., DUŢU, C.A., VASILIU, F., ALEXANDRU, H.V., BERBECARU, C., STOICA, G., NIŢĂ, P. Ferroelectric ceramics based on the BaO–SrO–TiO2 ternary system for microwave applications. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 27( 2–3). 2007. 1177–1180.
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