Publicaţia Scientific Works

Online. Special issues of the journal have published the abstracts or full papers presented at scientific events hosted by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest and by University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest. // Indexing The Journal is indexed in: INDEX COPERNICUS, CABI, ULRICH'S PERIODICAL DIRECTORY, and GOOGLE SCHOLAR.
No. / Nr.crt.
Plagiarim suspicions / Suspiciuni de plagiat / Paper state / Starea lucrării
Plagiarism suspicious paper / Lucrarea suspicionată de plagiat
Index 146/06
Non retracted paper / Lucrare neretractată.
GROZA Ioan, CENARIU, Mihai, CIUPE, Simona, POP, Al. Raul, PALL, Emoke, PARLAPAN, Laura and GERU Lucica. Observations on the morphology of reproductive system in pikes (Esox lucius) during a sexual cycle. Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine. 19(3). Available: http :// veterinarymedicinejournal . usamv . ro / pdf / 2013 / vol19_3 / art19 . pdf. 2013. p. 99-102. .

Details about publication: General Editor: Prof.Gabriel Predoi. Editorial Board: Birţoiu Alin - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Ciobotaru Emilia - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Cornilă Nicolae - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Dojană Nicolae - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Ioniţă Mariana - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Ioniţă Lucian - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Şerban Andreea Iren - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Vlăgiou Constantin - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest; Sarah Baillie - Bristol Veterinary School, University of Bristol, United Kingdom; Horst Erich König - Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria.