Publicaţia "Annals of the University of Petrosani. Mining Engineering" PublicationAbout the publication: The Annals of the University of Petrosani, Mining Engineering is an academic publication in Romania in the field of mining engineering. The publication is edited entirely in English. The journal is published annually by University of Petrosani, Faculty of Mining and published by the Universitas Publishing House with ISSN 1454-9174. Now, the journal is classified in the B+ Category (code 22) by the National Council of Scientific Research of Higher Education from Romania (CNCSIS). The Annals of the University of Petrosani - Mining Engineering is indexed in the following databases: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, ISSN 1454 - 9174; EBSCO Publishing Inc.; ; Suweco; Scipio. |
Lucrări identificate cu plagiate/ Plagiarized works
Nr/No |
Opera neautentică / NON-authentic work
Opera autentică /Authentic work
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00348/06. |
BĂBUŢ, Bujor Gabriel; MORARU, Iosif Roland; et BĂBUŢ, Crinela Monica.
Applications potentielles au génie civil des deux grandes approches conceptuelles de l'analyse des risques.
Annals of the University of Petrosani. Mining Engineering.
Vol. 12. 2011. p175-182.
Agenţi favorizatori / Garanţi de integritate // Enhancer agents / Integrity guarantors Stare/State: Lucrare NERETRACTATĂ/ NOT-RETRACTED work. |
VERDEL, Thierry.
Méthodologies d’évaluation globale des risques. Applications potentielles au Génie Civil. In: Risque et Génie Civil. Actes du Colloque. 8-9 Novembre 2000. Paris. p.23-38.
07.11.2016 |
© 2016 GRAUR - Grupul pentru Reformă şi Alternativă Universitară, Cluj-Napoca, România